Bess Beetle Lab Report Essay

Words: 445
Pages: 2

A Bess Beetle was selected by random from the population for the experiment. It is difficult to sex the beetles and was not a variable that was tested in this experiment. The Bess Beetle was weighted in milligrams and recorded. To test the agitated variable, the Bess Beetle was placed into the Li-Cor Portable Photosynthesis System test chamber. As soon as the test chamber is closed the chamber will be shaken vigorously during the experiment and recording measurement started imminently. Every five seconds the measurement of “Δ CO2”, which can be found in the top left position on the Li-Cor Portable Photosynthesis System console, was recorded. Continue this until 20 values are recorded. After the trial, the Bess Beetle was returned back into the population. Two more trails of agitating the Bess Beetle was completed using the same method of choosing beetles from the population and shaking them lightly. For the non-agitation trail, another Bess Beetle was placed into the Li-Cor Portable Photosynthesis System test chamber. Two to three minutes were allowed to pass before recording any measurements. When recording starts, the measurement of “Δ CO2”, which can be found in the top left position on the Li-Cor Portable Photosynthesis System console, should be written down every five seconds. Continue this until 20 values are recorded. After the trial, the Bess Beetle was returned back into the population. Two more trails of not agitating the Bess Beetle was completed using the same method of choosing …show more content…
This was done by dividing the Δ CO2 that was recorded from the Li-Cor Portable Photosynthesis System. This is the micromole of CO2 per second and this was divided by the weight that was recorded for the respective Bess Beetle. This calculation allows for the data to be adjusted by how big the beetle was, since bigger beetles, typically have higher micromole of CO₂ per