Best Commercial I Like Essay

Submitted By wbetts
Words: 1034
Pages: 5

Wendy Betts
Bus 101
9 March 2013
A Television Commercial I Like. The product that is represented in the commercial I like is the Dodge RAM. The Dodge RAM is known to be a tough and reliable tool that hard working men would drive and use in professions known for demanding work. The RAM is also known to have style, comfort and an appeal to women and families as well as men. This product is about versatility, both in the work environment, and in the family and recreational aspects of life. The RAM has its roots in American values. Americans have always had a trend for trucks, a sense of strength and freedom and a feeling of security because of their size and structure. The commercial for the RAM was portrayed through the eyes of God, being created for a farmer. This commercial portrayed all the aspects you would want in a RAM and the type of person that would need to own one. It represented the hard worker, the family man and dad as well as the caring and tender person to care for injured and sick animals, showing the softer side of RAM owners. I thought it was a bold move to show a man praying and having faith in God. This commercial targets hard working and faithful people in the United States. This commercial expressed value, not only in dollars, but also personal value. It struck a chord with which people want to be, hardworking, God fearing and compassionate. This advertisement communicated information to the consumer that would encourage them to buy this product. It connected people in society at large by putting an emotional attachment to the RAM. Consumers often buy according to emotion, not just facts. Attitudes of consumers must be understood and targeted. This was achieved in this commercial as it listed all the attributes of a farmer. It placed the buyer in the pew of a church. It showed a dad passing on traditions to a son, and it tied this tradition to a way of life and the RAM at the same time. After viewing this commercial, I began to watch for other sources of advertising for the RAM. In my community there were billboards advertising the RAM that offered test drives and satisfaction guarantees. The local newspaper has a half page ad for the RAM every Sunday highlighting points made in the commercial and on the billboard. The newspaper ads stressed customer service, warranties and meeting the needs of the buyer in maintaining their RAM through a full scheduled maintenance plan. These things show the competitive edge the RAM offers over its competition. The ads address service, selection and market uniqueness of the RAM. I went to the local Dodge dealership and was amazed by the displays that they had for the RAM. Lined up on the front row, like soldiers in formation, brand new RAMs lined the entire street. They had a RAM on ramp with a steep incline so that you could clearly see all the components and underside of the RAM. There was a drive for thinking Green at the dealership. This marketing strategy pointed out everything from improved gas mileage, while maintaining power and torque, to all the recycled materials used to produce the new RAM. Consumers today are very aware of being Green and the footprint left by production of products. Consumers want to know how much a company cares for them, the environment, and the community as well as all the things the product has to offer. It is not enough to just have a great product. Consumers want a lifestyle, a perception of being somebody, and a feeling of belonging to a community. In our town there are also Chevrolets and Ford dealerships. The trucks at these dealerships did not have the style, pizazz or showmanship represented by the RAM at the Dodge dealership. My advice for the RAM competitors would be to take their displays of their trucks to the next