Better and Assignment Essay

Submitted By badrul91
Words: 499
Pages: 2

There are many things that I learn from producing this assignment. It needs patience and perseverance to complete this task. At first I did not get the answer correctly. However, somehow after checking the calculation and went through to the figures repeatedly, I managed to get the answer correctly. I also realized that it is actually hard to set up our own business in reality because we need to plan carefully about our financial management to make sure of the continuity and survival of the future business. In addition, I improved in my communication and presentation skills during performing this assignment especially in group performance where I need to collaborate with other members and it was really enjoyable working with them. The problem that I encountered when completing the assignment is there was some disagreement between members regarding the right answer for the spreadsheet. However, we managed to sort it out after thorough discussions. If I were given a second chance, I will make sure that I maximize my contribution to the group and help them in every aspects of the assignment. Besides, I will do a better presentation by improving my speaking skills and having a lot of reading on the presentation subjects. The thing that I perform best during the assignment is I did not have much problem when constructing the financial statement for the business because I learned accounting since in primary school and it is my favourite subject. Another thing that I find easiest when completing the assignment is I managed to relate some of my presentation ideas with the current real situations and some economics knowledge. It is because I have done some readings before presenting the idea. However, there are also things I find it most difficult when completing the assignment. I find it