Beverly Hillbillies Show Stereotypes

Words: 145
Pages: 1

Hello Loan! For my post, I also agree with Dean’s claim that the program exploits hillbilly, redneck, or white trash stereotypes. Although the Beverly Hillbillies show was popular TV show many years ago, it negatively depicted the hillbillies, the redneck, and the white trash. In the episode, Jed Clampett, who played one of the characters, represented for poor people. In contrast, Milburn Drysdale represented for rich people. Thus, Clampett looked so poor compare to Milburn Drysade who was the banker. Like you said "The audiences easily recognized that there is a conflict between the rich and the poor". The movie performed the lack of education of poor people to make the audience laugh. We can see a lot of these sterotypes on the TV show or