Bhav 528 Practice Patient Interview

Words: 995
Pages: 4

BHAV 528
ASSIGNMENT: Practice Patient Interview

STUDENT NAME:__Seong Jin Lee_________

Summary of the Patient-Focused Elements

Mr. K is a 41-year-old Asian male and works as a physician in a community hospital. He is married and has a daughter who is six years old. He graduated from a medical school in the United States. For the interviewee’s convenience, this interview was conducted in the lobby of the community hospital where Mr. K was working.

1. Review of Systems (ROS)
Mr. K is a healthy individual with no known major diseases. He has no identified cardio, pulmonary, neurologic, hematologic/lymphatic, immune, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, endocrine, musculoskeletal, head/neck/ENT, and dermatologic disorders. The only systemic condition that he has is seasonal allergies with the symptoms of eye itchiness, sneezing, rhinorrhea, and coughing. To alleviate the symptoms,
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K received an endodontic treatment on tooth # 18 three months ago. At that time, he suffered excruciating tooth pain, which was uncontrollable with around-a-clock administration of Tylenol and ibuprofen. He said that the pain woke him up in the middle of night and it did not get better with pain medication. The tooth was previously chipped when he bit on hard nuts and restored with a porcelain crown without root canal therapy. Mr. K rushed to his primary care dentist and referred to an endodontist for further evaluation. According to Mr. K, he was diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis and periapical abscess. His excruciating tooth pain improved a little bit after receiving root canal therapy, however the severe pain continued a few more days and then finally resolved. Mr. K stated that he has no longer pain on that tooth, but he felt a bit of dull discomfort or heaviness whenever he felt he was tired. Mr. K visits his general dentist every six months for routine exam and cleaning. For home care, he brushes twice every morning and night, floss one daily before bedtime, and uses