Biblical Worldview

Words: 828
Pages: 4

In today’s society, people constantly search for the truth, but when it is finally found, they reject, suppress, or distort all evidence of the veracity. In the Truth Project, a video presentation, Dr. Del Tackett examines truth and how it has been pushed aside because of the conformity to society. Only nine percent of Christian’s have a biblical worldview. This means most believer’s, who are suppose to live in the light of honesty, live in the obscurity of falsehood like unbelievers. Therefore, the nation and its people lose their ultimate purpose for life. To reveal this fact, the following paragraphs will review the twelve lessons of the Truth Project and present the biblical worldview as truth. Lesson one focuses on veritology, which is the study of truth. Del Tackett expresses God’s word as synonymous with veracity, so when someone gazes upon the face of God, they bore into truth that exposes them, exposes their culture, and transforms them to world changers. People cannot look upon God without being effected. Unfortunately, the effect is not always agreeable with God because one’s concept of truth determines one’s concept of faith. Biblically, Jesus mirrors verisimilitude, according to His testimony in John 18:37, meaning He is the absolute truth whether …show more content…
Carl Rogers, an American philosopher, expresses that, “ I do not find that evil is inherent in human nature.” But, if humanity is not innately malevolent, then where did evil come from? Carl Rogers later states “…experience leads me to believe that it is cultural influences which are the major factors in our evil behaviors.” The flaw in Dr. Rogers philosophy is humans make up the culture in which effects the behavior. All through history, Social institutions and authority structures have been blamed for man’s heinous acts, but man created the institutions and authority structures. So, the source of corruptive and destructive behavior can be found in man’s inherently evil