Big Five Personality Model Of Infidelity

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Pages: 2

Traditionally, society’s norms correlate to the concept of monogamy. In the past, a lot of societies commended infidelity and even labeled infidelity as morally wrong as well as unjustifiable. Even for the longest of times, unfaithful behavior was considered to be deviant behavior (Jackman, 2015). However, now the sentiments on infidelity are much more different. It is much more acceptable and now, it’s believed that certain personality traits correlate with infidelity. According to researchers, there are personality traits that are predictors of infidelity. One transgressor related to infidelity is attachment style in which attached individuals have a lower chance of cheating on their romantic partners in comparison to those with insecure …show more content…
In addition, the Big Five personality model has been linked to adultery. Researchers discovered that participants of infidelity usually were not as high on conscientiousness and …show more content…
Mate poach was strongly attributed to those that were “high on extraversion and low in agreeableness and conscientiousness.” Deceptive and malevolent behavior is attributed to the overlapping of the Dark Triad of personality traits concerning psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and narcissism. The Dark Triad is not only “a proclivity for manipulation and callousness,” but all three have a higher chance in indulging in infidelity. Those high in Machiavellianism have a tenacity in being careful and strategic in regards to infidelity as a way to retain their relationships while engaging in wicked pleasure. Whereas, those high in psychopathy and narcissism were less calculating about their actions. Lastly, sociosexual orientation is an essential aspect concerning infidelity in relationships. Those that do not have a restricted sociosexual orientation seek comfortable in engaging in sex with individuals outside of their romantic relationship. They usually obtain gratification through casual sex. But clearly, regardless of there being personality traits that affect the likelihood of someone committing infidelity, it is still wrong and