Big Island And Oahu Similarities

Words: 533
Pages: 3

Did you know that the Big Island is twice the size of all the Hawaiian Islands combined? The Big Island has lots of active volcanoes, is the youngest of the Hawaiian Islands and has black and green sand beaches. Oahu, on the other hand, does not have any active volcanoes, is 3.4 million years old and does not have black and green sand beaches. Oahu and the Big Island have several similarities; however, they also have many differences.
One similarity between the Big Island and Oahu is that they both have volcanoes. For example, the Big Island has five volcanoes and Oahu has four volcanoes. Another similarity is that they both have beaches. An example is that Oahu has more than 125 beaches and the Big Island also has lots of beaches. Also, the Big Island and Oahu both have tropical climates. One example is that they both have nice tropical climates to live in. Lastly, the Big Island and Oahu are similar because they were both formed by volcanoes. The last example is that they were both formed by underwater volcanoes erupting, and then the lava hardened and formed the Big Island and Oahu. Overall, these are the similarities between the Big Island and Oahu.
A difference
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The similarities are that they both have volcanoes, beaches, tropical climates and they were both formed by volcanoes. Some differences are that the Big Island has active volcanoes and Oahu doesn’t, the Big Island has black and green sand beaches and Oahu doesn’t, the Big Island is the biggest Hawaiian Island and Oahu is the third largest Hawaiian Island and the Big Island is the youngest Hawaiian Island, when Oahu is the second oldest Hawaiian Island. If you did not know that the Big Island is twice the size of all the Hawaiian Islands combined, then now you know. If you do not believe it, just look it up on the internet. Once again, these are the differences and similarities between Oahu and the Big