Binomial Strange On The Inside Too Summary

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Pages: 3

What Animal Class Should the Platypus be?

The Linnaeus Classification System sorts organisms into different categories based on their physical and chemical (genetic) characteristics. The categories or levels of classification are Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and then finally Species. First, scientists decide on the domain, then they choose what kingdom it will be in, then they classify it into a phylum category and so on. Scientists use a system called Binomial Nomenclature to make an organism’s scientific name. To make the scientific name, they put the genus (with the first letter capitalized) and species of the organism together and write them in italics. Relating to the title, there are five animal classes, bird, fish, amphibian, reptile, and mammal. The platypus is a mammal and should stay one because it produces milk for its babies to drink, it has a coat of fur, and it is very similar to when mammals were not evolved.
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One argument is that it has webbed feet which only birds have so it should be one. In the article “Platypus Looks Strange on the Inside, Too”, paragraph one, it states “If it has a bill and webbed feet like a duck…”. This statement is wrong because dogs have webbed feet and dogs are mammals. Another declaration is that the platypus should be a reptile because it lays eggs. In the article “Platypus Looks Strange on the Inside, Too”, paragraph one, it says “If it has a bill and webbed feet like a duck, lays eggs like a bird or a reptile…”. The people who said this are incorrect and it says it right in their evidence, birds and reptiles both lay eggs, so which one would it be, how would you ever decide between them, just put it in the mammal class, it’s clear