Bio Outline Essay

Submitted By christian_loc
Words: 521
Pages: 3

Chp 7 Outline ­Step 3: The two molecules are oxidized, and each receives a phosphate group.
­The oxidation of G3P is accompanied by the reduction of two molecules of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide(NAD) ­Step 4: The phosphate groups added in step 1 and step 3 are removed from the three­carbon compounds formed in step 3.
­Each phosphate group is combined with a molecule of ADP to make a molecule of ATP.
­Because a total of four phosphate groups were added in step 1 and step 3, four molecules of
ATP are produced. ­Glycolysis has a net yield of two ATP molecules for every molecule of glucose that’s converted into pyruvic acid. D. Fermentation ­The combination of glycolysis and these additional pathways, which regenerate NAD+. ­The fermentation pathways thus allow for the continued production of ATP. ­There are two common fermentation pathways resulting in the production of latic acid and ethyl alcohol. E. Lactic Acid Fermentation ­An enzyme converts pyruvic acid made during glycolysis into another three­carbon compound. ­Occurs in your muscle cells during very strenuous exercise, such as sprinting. F. Alcoholic Fermentation
­ To convert pyruvic acid into ethyl alcohol. ­After glycolysis, this pathway requires two steps: ­A Co2 molecule is removed from pyruvic acid, leaving the two­carbon compound ­Two hydrogen atoms are added to the two­carbon compound to form ethyl alcohol. G. Efficiency of Glycolysis
­ Kilocalories: thousands of heat calories
­ Efficiency of glycolysis=Energy required to make ATP ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Energy released by oxidation of glucose Section 2: Aerobic Respiration
­When oxygen is available, pyruvic acid undergoes aerobic respiration, the pathway of cellular respiration that requires oxygen.
A. Overview of Aerobic Respiration

­Aerobic respiration has two major stages: the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain, which is associated with chemiosmosis.
­In the Krebs cycle, the oxidation of glucose that began with glycolysis is completed.
­Mitochondrial matrix= the space inside the inner membrane of a mitchondria.
­Acetyl CoA= when pyruvic acid enters