Biochemistry and Test Tube Rack Essay

Submitted By andrewcarlson1234567
Words: 504
Pages: 3

Andrew Carlson
Macromolecule Lab
Introduction: A macromolecule is a molecule containing a very large number of atoms, such as a protein, nucleic acid, or synthetic polymer. Benedict is used as a test for the presence of reducing sugars. Lipids are nonplolar molecules that are not solable in water. A protein is a chain of molecules linked together called amino acids linked together like pearls on a neckless. Carbs are large biological molecules, or macromolecules, consisting of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms, usually with a hydrogen:oxygen atom ratio of 2:1.
Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate wheather or not the solutions will react to the unknown solutions to make a color change.
Carbs- Carbs will react in benedicts solution and will turn orange/red.
Lipid- water and oil will seperate-not the whole thing will be red.
Protein- It will turn purple/pink- if not - there will be no color change
1. Test tube rack
2. 5 test tubes
3. Warm water bath
4. Unknown solutions 1-4
5. Benedicts solution
6. Water
7. Buiret solution
8. 2 pipettes
9. Sudan solution
1. Develope a hypothesis.
2. Desighn a data table that identifies each solution and each posible macromolecule.
3. Obtain a test tube rack and 5 test tubes and label each 1-4 and the last one water.
4. Pour aproximately 1ml of each solution into the appropriately labeled test tube.
5.Test each for the presents of carbohydrates by placing 2 drops of benedicts solution in each unknown solution. (may need to stir)
6. Then place each test tube in the hot water bath for approximately 1 minute the remove it and put it back in the test tube rack.
7. Observe reaction and record in data table.
8. Clean out test tubes and repeat step 4.
9. Test each for the presents of lipids by placing an additional 1ml of water into each test tube. Next add 2 drops of Sudan solution to each tube; rock the tube gently back and forth and place in the test tube rack.
10. Observe reaction and record