Biology: Dna and Dna Polymerase Essay

Submitted By Wangding1
Words: 1341
Pages: 6

|Atoms held together by chemical bonds form |
|2 | |
| | |
| |A positively charged particle found in the nucleus of the atom is called a(n) |
| |proton |
|3 | A negatively charged particle found circling the atomic nucleus is called a(n) |
| |electron |
| 4 | Forms of the same atom that differ in the number of neutrons are called isotope |
| 5 | A chemical bond in which electrons are shared equally is called a(n) covalent |
| |bond |
| 6 | A chemical bond that is formed when one atom loses an electron to another atom is|
| |called a(n) |
| |ionic bond |
| 7 | Which type of bond joins hydrogen and oxygen to form water? |
| |Polar covalent bond |
| 8 | Which type of bond joins water molecules to each other in a water-based solution?|
| |Hydrogen bond |
| 9 | Which property (or properties) of water enables water to function as a moderator |
| |of temperature for humans? |
| |cohesion |
| 10 | The reason that ice floats in a water-based solution is |
| |Density Decreases Upon Freezing |
| 11 | Substances that are NOT attracted to water are called hydrophobic |
| 12 | A solution with an excess of hydroxide ions is basic |
| 13 | A substance that resists changes in pH by combining with excess hydrogen or |
| |hydroxide ions is called a(n) buffer |

|A question that can be tested by experimentation is called a(n) Hypothesis |
|2 | A hypothesis supported by repeated testing is called a(n) Experiment/ |
|3 | The molecule that transmits hereditary traits from generation to |
| |generation is DNA |
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