Biology Research Paper

Submitted By masielherrera
Words: 610
Pages: 3

BI 18

Chapter 1

1.1 The Characteristics of Life

What do you mean by Biology?

Bio – life
Logy – Study
The study of life

What are the characteristics of life?

Organized from the atom to the biosphere
Use materials and energy from the environment
Maintain a relatively constant internal environment (homeostasis)
Respond to internal and external stimuli
Reproduce and grow
Have an evolutionary history through which organisms change over time

Know the levels of biological organization

The levels of biological organization are (from basic to complex):

1. Atom: smallest unit of an element composed of electrons, protons and neutrons
2. Molecule: union of two or more atoms of the same or different elements
3. Cell: the structural and functional unit of all living things
4. Tissue: a group of cells with a common structure and function
5. Organ: Composed of tissues functioning together for a specific task
6. Organ system: composed of several organs working together
7. Organism: an individual; complex individuals contain organ systems
8. Population: organisms of the same species in a particular area
9. Community: interacting populations in a particular area
10. Ecosystem: A community plus the physical environment
11. Biosphere: Regions of the Earth’s crust, waters, and atmosphere inhabited by living things.

1.2 Science as a Process.

What is a scientific theory?

A scientific theory is a concept that tells us about the order and the patterns within the natural world – in other words how the natural world is organized.

What is a scientific method?

The process by which scientific information is acquired.

What are the different steps in a scientific method?

1. Observation: New observations are made, and previous data studied
2. Hypothesis: Input from various sources is used to formulate a testable statement
3. Experiment/Observations: The hypothesis is tested by experiment or further observations
4. Conclusion: The results are analyzed, and the hypothesis is supported or rejected
5. Scientific theory: many experiments and observations support a scientific theory

How the cause of Ulcers was discovered?

Doctor Marshall observed many patients with bleeding stomach ulcers. Doctor Warren identified the bacteria h. pylori near the site of peptic ulcers. Dr. Marshall compiled data showing possible correlation between H. Pylori and ulcers. Hypothesis: H. Pylori is the cause of gastritis and ulcers. Dr. Warren used Koch’s postulates to prove that the pathogen causes a disease. He met the first two criteria (pathogen must be present in very disease, pathogen must be isolated). The third and fourth