Biopsychosocial Model Essay

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terminology and other medically oriented courses in order to prepare social workers to be able to effectively and proficiently converse with medical participants in multi-disciplinary teams." (Zittel et al., 2002) Zittel et al., (2002) further supports the need for coursework in areas of psychology, spirituality and neuropsychology as they will play pivotal roles in the future curriculum of social work. (Zittel et al., 2002) As Zittel et al., (2002) explain the need to further the knowledge of social workers practice with the use of the Biopsychosocial model is greatly needed to further research of its use but unfortunately such course work is not provided to many social workers graduating from the schools of social work. (Zittel et al., …show more content…
In creating a different way for practioners to relate to their patients by not seeing them as problems needing solutions that resided within a person but rather people whose sum of their problems both social, psychological and biological require the attention of trained practioners and whose care is provided through practioners who they perceived as upholding with integrity another human dimension; the dignity of another fellow human being who is asking for help. This view just one summary of the importance of what the biopsychosocial model presented by Dr.Engel enacted in medicine and mental health. Social work as a discipline continues to be present in the process of this model but in the journal articles reviewed for this paper only one had a direct reference to the discipline of social work playing a role in the use of the BPS model and another simply made a passing reference to the