Black Ships At Troy Analysis

Words: 721
Pages: 3

Ancient morals provide lessons or morals that can help people out today in modern life. It's like the ancient stories are giving people advice, like when grandparents give us advice or teach us a life lesson. Its these ancient myths or fables are the grandparents of all stories that people can use to inspire their own stories based off of them. Another message that ancients text have on different readers that not Everyone has the same perspective, Because one fable can have several morals and different might interpret one differently than someone else might.
One moral found in these fables and myths is that Humans or even should trust in yourself even if it seems wrong from another persons perspective.In the story Black Ships at troy was that since the goddess of trouble or Eris hadn't been invited to a wedding even though all the gods had been invited, they had not invited her because when ever she was near anyone or went anyone trouble followed her anywhere, So she showed up at the wedding in her foulest mode as an uninvited guest, she didn't speak all she did was throw a
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A vegetarian or Vegan Might come across this website and think that meat is not the best and that killing animals is wrong so they might leave a comment on why they think it's wrong, even multiple comments. That doesn't mean that the owner should stop his vlog. He should trust in himself and not give up in what he believes in. Its like the wolf in the sheep's clothing, because the wolf wanted to eat sheeps to survive, yet this might have seemed bad in another person's perspective but in this case he did it in order to survive. Although for going through with this plan the fox ended up