Blind Ambition In Macbeth And Frankenstein

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Pages: 4

Blind ambition, a driving force in William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Macbeth and in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, eventually leads to the main characters’ downfalls. In Shelley’s Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein is an eager scientist, loyal son, and loyal friend; however, he does not stay this way throughout the book. In Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Macbeth, Macbeth is introduced as King Duncan’s loyal soldier because he killed the wanted traitor, Macdonwald. Additionally, Victor is interested in alchemy books, but his father tells him it would be a waste of his time to take interest in science, planting the seed of curiosity in Victor’s head. Also, a very ambitious Macbeth, Thane of Glamis, is given prophecies from three witches telling him that he will soon be named Thane of Cawdor, and King hereafter, planting the seeds of greed and power in Macbeth’s head. Using blind ambition in a negative way, Macbeth and Victor both undergo beast transformations. For example, the loyal soldier changes into the traitor, the eager and sane scientist changes into a psychopath, and the hero changes into …show more content…
Seeds are planted in Victor and Macbeth’s heads, driving their eagerness into a downward spiral. The key theme of blind ambition and the want for forbidden knowledge ultimately is the cause of both Macbeth and Victor’s demise. Macbeth and Victor both obtain forbidden knowledge, but do not use it wisely. Victor created life, but he did not think through the possible consequences that may occur. He simply was too ambitious for his own good. Likewise, Macbeth also obtains forbidden knowledge from the witches. Being the only one with the knowledge of the prophecies, Macbeth decides to take advantage. His fatal flaw, his ambition, is the cause of his own downfall. Unfortunately, the ambitious pursuit of forbidden powers often results in a transformation into a beast, and for Macbeth and Victor, this proves