Blobfish Research Paper

Words: 149
Pages: 1

The blobfish, also known as (Psychrolutes marcidus), is 20 pounds and is about 1ft-2ft long. Blobfish have an extremely long life, almost doubling humans at their lifetime of being 130 years old. Blobfishes are a very “interesting” animal, crowned “World’s Ugliest Animal” by the Ugly Animal Preservation Society and called a “floppy water balloon” by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The blobfish is a very unique animal that was built to stay on the ocean floor 4,000 feet below sea level as it does not have a swim bladder, which most fish have so they can be buoyant. They also only have fragile bones and their soft tissue is mostly water and fat, so they don’t get crushed by the immense water pressure at that depth. The only