Bloodstream Infection: A Case Study

Words: 522
Pages: 3

I am going to describe my dataset using in final project. I do not have my own dataset, so I searched it online: This website is the home of the U.S. Government’s open data, including Federal, state, and local. Before starting dataset, I need to clarify several definition to help you understand since most words in dataset are medical terminologies.
 Central line is a flexible tube that end up in the patient’s heart or in one of the large veins or arteries which is used to give fluid, medication, blood sampling.
 Central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) is an infection when occurs within 48 hours of the use of central line.
 Central line-days is the total number of hospitalized patients with a central
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Central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) rates are important to indicate safety among hospitals. More than half of CLABSIs may be prevented if hospitals comply the recommended procedure for the central line insertion, including hand hygiene, appropriate skin preparation, and applying maximal sterile barriers since central line insertion is invasive operation. The lower incidence rate indicates the higher safety.
This dataset was collected at hospital level from January to December, 2013 in the state of California, and submitted to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by California hospitals. It consisted of 116 special care units in 15 counties of the California and variables contained collection year, state, location of hospital, facility name, county - name, the number of case, central line-days, and the incidence rate of CLABSI in hospitals. I am interested in CLABSI incidence rate in each specialized hospital: oncology, bone marrow, and solid organ transplant facilities within 15 counties of the California. I am also interested in the number of line-days which may affect the incidence rate of the CLABSI. The comparison of the incidence rate among hospitals may provide information to public about the quality of a hospital. The hospital is the 1st level (individual) and the 2nd level (group) is county. Therefore, the incidence rate is response variable and location of hospital and central line-days are predictor in individual level and group level