Body Image Issues In Society

Words: 895
Pages: 4

Within our perfection-focused society, body image issues are very common. We are told to live up to impossible beauty standards, and that if we don't look a certain way, we are not beautiful or desirable. People go on extreme diets in hope to get that ‘perfect’ figure that everybody wants. But women are not the only ones who suffer from this issue.

When you look around at ads, billboards, commercials and other things involving people, you see all types of women, thin, thick, tall, and short but have you ever noticed that there is no diversity in the male figures that are displayed in our society? I don’t think that I have ever seen a bigger male on any billboard which makes absolutely no sense because most men living in North America today don’t have washboard abs', perfect jaw lines and muscular arms. These beauty standards that males feel the need to live up to seem almost unrealistic and very hard to achieve.
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Males who are exposed to unrealistic images in the media frequently, also may tend to experience a negative body image. Young boys who play with GI Joe toys may find that their body image suffers. If a GI Joe toy was turned into a human size, would have larger biceps than any body builder and would be relatively taller than an average man. This toy, and toys similar to it, gives young boys an unrealistic image to live up