Body Paragraphs Strengths

Words: 862
Pages: 4

When I begin writing a paper, I usually do not follow a strict procedure. For the most part, I generally tend to dive right in without planning or producing a rather organized outline. However, I do take a few brief moments to ponder on the prompt or given task, then I attempt to compose a rough draft, which, in reality, is rarely ever edited or given a chance to improve. Moreover, I always commence the process with an introduction due to the fact that I wholly dread having to develop body paragraphs, but I will expand upon that dislike later. Additionally, these introductions seem to be where my focus lies the most; I thoroughly enjoy laying the foundation of a paper as long as I have a decent amount of time to create something that I may deem as "good." In light of this, I must honestly say that, if I am not content with the opening paragraph, the rest of the essay will not given a considerable amount of attention.
As I move onto my body paragraphs, I tend to become a tiny bit anxious. I completely lack the ability to properly analyze, specify, and organize. For the most part, I have been told by multiple teachers and other "writers" that I am prone to
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I will, however, mention and attempt to explain my weaknesses, which are rather prominent in many of my written pieces. For starters, I am normally inclined to not outline, not prepare, and not take the proper amount of time to pay a respectable amount of attention to the details, concepts, and evidence. As priorly stated, I am someone who favors taking the plunge rather than sitting at the side of the pool, contemplating the consequences of diving in head-first. Lastly, I am, again, scared to speak of my strengths due to the fact that I wholeheartedly believe that I am not a strong writer at all. But if I must, I will make the claim that I seemingly use transitional words to my