Bottle Pills Persuasive Essay

Words: 424
Pages: 2

4 out of 7 people say yes to bottle flipping you should be a part of that 4 and experience fun and so much more.Bottle flipping is helpful for kids because it gets them to drink water,learn to have patience,learn extra motor skills,allows kids to go outside,and finally gets kids to get off their phones and have some friendly competition.

1 reason you should do bottle flipping is it allows you to drink water.Water is very healthy for you.It allows kids to drink water because to get the water level to the perfect spot you have to drink the water if you don’t it will be exceedingly difficult to land the bottle.Drinking water is not only an excellent choice for you,but it helps you not get dehydrated,die,and is one of a few drinks that is healthy
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Also with bottle flipping kids learn tolerance,which is a good quality to have.They learn patience by flipping because when they miss they don’t give up they keep trying till they get it.Also bottle flipping helps kids work on hand eye coordination which is important to have and also helps them work on their fine motor skills.All of these things make kids love bottle flipping and why you should give bottle flipping a try cause I mean,who doesn’t want patience,motor skills,and hand eye coordination I can tell you 1 thing I definitely want those things.

In conclusion bottle flipping is helpful for kids because it gets them to drink water,have patience,get better motor skills,get outside,and especially good it gets kids to get off their technology.Finally,now that you have seen all the benefits of bottle flipping,don’t be afraid the next time you see a bottle “FLIP