Botulinum Spore Case Study

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Pages: 4

1. How do home canning conditions favor botulinum spore formation and growth?

Botulinum spore usually grow in home canned or home preserved food because it is bacteria that like to grow in an area with low level of oxygen and also because botulinum spore are more likely to grow on foods.

2. How is the botulism toxin used in the cosmetic industry?

The botulism is injected as a cosmetic on the face which paralyzes the muscles on face and then prevents wrinkles. It is also used to treat muscles pain

3. What is the incubation period for foodborne botulism?

The incubation period for foodborne botulinum is usually between 12-36 hours, but sometimes it can take up to 10 days.

4. How may botulism affect the respiratory system?

Botulism can affect
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What is the portal of entry and exit for C. difficile?

The portal entry of C. difficile is the mouth and the portal exit is the anus

5. Can fomites harbor C. difficile?

Yes, fomites can harbor C. difficile because infected fomites can also transmit the disease.

6. How do healthcare professionals aid in the spread of C. difficile?

Healthcare professionals aid in the spread of C. difficile by not washing their contaminated hands.

7. How are most cases of C. difficile infections resolved, and in what time frame does this occur?

Most cases of C. difficile infections are resolved by the use of antibiotics within 10 days.

8. What is the main reservoir for C. difficile?

The main reservoir for C. difficile is infected people.

Questions: Dental Disease
1. Microorganisms on the surface of a tooth may produce acids. How might this lead to tooth decay?

Tooth decay happens when the tooth is demineralized which is caused by the presence of acids on the teeth. 2. Would one expect aerobic or anaerobic bacteria to enter into the gingiva once it is damaged by calculus? Explain your answer.

One would expect anaerobic bacteria to enter the gingiva once it is damaged by calculus because oxygen would not be present in the gingiva after the