Essay on branch manager

Submitted By Chopsiepants
Words: 1101
Pages: 5


1. In law, duty of care is a legal obligation which is imposed on an individual requiring adherence to a standard of reasonable care while performing any acts that could foreseeably harm others. Breaching a duty of law may subject an individual to liability. Duty of care maybe considered a formalization of the social contract, the implicit responsibilities held by individuals towards others within my job role.
It is the responsibility of the care coordinator to assist the branch manager to organise the day to day running of the service provision through the policies, training, supervision and guidance provided by the company. It is my responsibility to support the branch manager in achieving the aims and objectives of the company, and achieving the level of quality in the service provided to the service users in accordance with the quality assurance policy and compliance. To carry out the monitoring of the service in the field to ensure that it meets the quality targets set by me and the manager, to ensure that the telephones are answered promptly and people are spoken to in a polite and respectful manner. To represent the company in a professional manner at all times, on the telephone, face to face or in written communication. Within my role I have a duty of care to take reasonable measure to prevent harm to others.
2. Under my duty of care as a care coordinator I have a duty to the service users and team members to identify report and record and investigate all issues/incidents raised to myself or assessed by myself or any reports from service users, family, friends and all team members. Within my role I protect service users by risk assessing all areas of care planning, manual handling and when interviewing new team members. I ensure they are the right person for the role i.e. qualifications and experience. I request a DBS, with all correct checks before hand and ensuring the DBS is clean to protect the service users. To work alongside care direct and CQC to empower and inform as “one” team.

1. Refusing medication which is essential to health and well-being.
Service users are entitled to their own choices. I have a duty of care to their health and well-being. In this instance I would arrange a meeting with the service user to discuss why they are declining medication. I would then risk assess the answer and fill in a risk report form, I would then contact their family/NOK, care direct and GP. These bodies would then follow through actions. I would then update from the health professionals and together action plans the next step. I would then update the risk assessment form, and monitor by getting a regular handover from carers. By monitoring and action planning we would hopefully find a resolve or eliminate the likelihood.

Carers are unable to gain access to the property repeatedly.
I would arrange a meeting with the service user, family/NOK, raising our concerns. I would discuss the problem suggesting/advising a keysafe to be fitted for safety reasons. If the service user declined I would advise care direct, report and record on Cm2000, but ultimately the service user and families’ wishes have to be paramount, if the individual does not have capacity family and health professionals are able to assess this and in some cases over power human rights.

Service user repeatedly cancelling his/her care calls, repeatedly against advice.
I would contact the service user, family/NOK and discuss with care direct. The normal procedure would be for health professionals to call a meeting at which I would outline the service user’s tendencies. I would then follow up/update with health professionals. Monitor with carers, and report and record on CM2000.

Service user refusing any care in calls.
I would contact service user, family/NOK and care direct. I would arrange a meeting with family/NOK to discuss why refusal is paramount. From the