Breakthrough In Bioscience (FASEB)

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Pages: 5

Skimming through the FASEB website, one finds many interesting articles dealing with various research projects. One that I found very interesting and relevant to life today is one that deals with cancer. In this article different pharmaceutical ways of treating cancer with natural drugs found in nature are discussed. This “Breakthrough in Bioscience” is titled “Conquering Cancer with Drugs from Nature’s Medicine Cabinet” and was written by Cathryn M. Delude with the help of John A. Beutler from the National Cancer Institute and David Newman from the National Institutes of Health. This article, published in 2013 by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, was developed to educate the public on the benefits of biomedical research. It consists of 13 pages. Cancer was and still is treated with radiation and surgical removal. The …show more content…
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has teamed up with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to further test the effects of some plant samples, consisting of leaves and roots, on humans. Due to these tests, scientists have been able to discover more cancer killing plant chemicals from plants like “Taxus brevifolia” that have saved the lives of many or have extended many people’s lives. In order to discover which drugs derived from plants will treat cancer they have to go through a process. This process is very complicated and usually goes back and forth between theoretical concepts and actual biology. Animals are used in a humane way, as they are necessary in the studying of the effects these drugs have on mammalian organisms. Once the drug is established safe to use, human studies are done in which the actual effects are observed. The development of the cancer once the drug is taken is monitored and the drug is either said to be helpful or useless in the treatment of cancer in