Breast Feeding Moms Essay

Words: 435
Pages: 2

How Video Technology Is Bringing Much-Needed Help to Breastfeeding Moms
According to Wikipedia, Telemedicine is the use of telecommunication and information technology to provide clinical health care from a distance. It has been used to overcome distance barriers and to improve access to medical services that would often not be consistently available in distant rural communities. It is also used to save lives in critical care and emergency situations.
Breast feeding is no walk in the park for new moms. Natalie Marcus an RN in Hawaii works for Kaiser Permanente as a lactation consultant. She offers video lactation consultations for new moms having difficulties at home. She can have face to face conversations from home with the new mom. Having the video consultation also helps improve access to care, and allows moms living in more remote parts of Hawaii still meet with a lactation consultant when, and how they need it.
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Moms can have milk supply issues (not enough or too much milk), sore breasts and/or nipples, plugged ducts, breast infection or challenges with pumping and returning to work. Babies can also be a contributing factor. They may be premature and do not have the energy to breastfeed effectively, or may have trouble latching on. Babies might have a tough time finding the right position in which they can nurse comfortably, or they may have medical conditions that make breastfeeding a little more difficult. These are some of the breastfeeding challenges that we are trained to help mom and baby overcome so they may enjoy all the benefits of breastfeeding. Having access at home will help save money for a copay and it is more convenient for the new mom. The consultant will have more time to spend with the patient without rushing