Brene Brown's Speech On Vulnerability

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Pages: 2

Brene Brown main point about her speech is vulnerability. Her main point of this is to understand or know what we feel and to embrace that in us. We shouldn't bring ourselves down thinking that our emotions, how we feel about things makes us weak. being aware og f who we share our feelings with can be a good and a bad, be open minded of the people that can see your vulnerability. Some can easily see you as a target and try to bring you down making you feel less confident. Being vulnarable has its pros and cons, it can help you feel good and know what you need to work to feel your vulnerability or it can show to much that someone can see that and try to bring you down.
We need to embrace our feelings. We should prefer to feel sad,happy,upset,angry,etc. As a person I would want to feel then not feel. don't share how I feel with others but that's something myself can learn to accept my own thoughts and emotions. One powerful statement that Brene Brown was "if you cannot measure it, it doesn't exist"
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It would backfire when you then seek for the meaning of our emotions making us feel