Brief Summary And Character Analysis: Melinda

Words: 1255
Pages: 6

Question 1: The story was written about a girl named ,Melinda, who was hated by everyone pretty much just because she called the cops on a party that they got in trouble for. As the story leads on it is revealed when she was a freshman invited to a senior party turned into a nightmare when senior ,Andy Evans, raped her. During that position she didn’t know what was happening and froze up which led to him leaving her behind the bushes petrified out of her mind. Being all alone with nobody to talk to her sucked, but as the story was about to end with Andy accusing her for Rachel's departure at the dance he decides to get even. She sees this as a deja vu moment all over again as he pinned her against the wall. With no escape of his boulder …show more content…
Further on her character shows how she feels about herself not being wanted by anyone anything she does she grades herself on like she gave a F in the beginning of how her clothes are and her social status the same. As the climax was reached it revealed she was raped by Andy a senior who she describes as an it. Disgusted as how girls drool on him to the way he acts she feels to be ashamed of herself to letting him take advantage of her. The end showing her character having more confidence and everyone knowing the truth she now has to move on to create a better future. The plot of the party in the barn let to the conflict of her secret that has been eating her alive ever since it happened. The setting in Syracuse, New York set the setting when it was cold from the 8 inches of snow that fell she still had to go to school unlike other places 1 inch equals no school. The style showed the suffering of Melinda’s voice from that point in high school. It also had flashbacks that had the story have reminders of recent events. Figurative language inscripted on how Melinda was acting and experiencing throughout her house and school places. Created the tension when she was battling with Andy to not have that memory take place