Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model Essay

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Pages: 6

The Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model consist of the microsystem which include family, school, neighborhood, or childcare environments. I believe that the microsystem is an affirmative change to that of my parents for the most part. Any parents could be considered a baby boomer and a lot changed from the time of their birth to the time of mine. There were positive changes in the education process that offered a better chance at a good education. For the mesosystem, I have seen so many changes brought about by technology and social media. I believe these communications present themselves to a lot of negative input for today’s children. There are positives as it pertains to the different avenues for them to receive an education, but it also presented the avenues for bullies to prey on the meek. The exosystem could be a part of …show more content…
Always, be clear, not critical. You can’t avoid addressing things that need to be changed. But you can address them in ways that don’t make your child feel bad about himself. Instead of saying “Why do you always leave your room in such a mess?” you can say “This room is messy. Put down your game and put away your laundry.” Also, be able to recognize that mistakes are learning experiences. Don’t ignore mistakes. Help your child find the “next time you can” in them. For example, you could say, “Yep, you spilled the juice. Next time you’re pouring the juice, you can hold your glass over the sink.” Lastly, make praise efforts and let your child know that effort is as valuable as the end result. Find ways to praise your child for working hard on the school assignments/projects at school and home that he does as well as for fun. For example, you could say, “Your hard work practicing your singing is really showing when you play that song.” These are some of the things kids would seem to understand and keep a positive attitude and high self-esteem about