Brummett's Three Meanings Of Epistemic Rhetoric

Words: 334
Pages: 2

Prcaticum 1

To: Michael Pennell

From: Chao Li

Subject: Three rhetoric ways to make a complex idea clear

Date: September 13, 2016


The memo shows my understanding about rhetoric. “The Aggressive Egg” shows

that biased metaphors can impede science development. While the “Three

Meanings of Epistemic Rhetoric” shows rhetoric can affect human’s idea. I agree

that rhetoric plays an important role in human’s thought.


Brummett discusses three meanings of epistemic rhetoric. To be simple, the first

meaning can be paraphrase as by the help of rhetoric, people are better able to find

the only one truth. The second meaning can be paraphrase as social realms truths

can be determined by rhetoric. The third meaning can