Bubonic Plague Dbq Essay

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Pages: 3

1. The Bubonic Plague would spread due to bad hygiene or fleas on animals, but it was most commonly spread by rats. Many people at the time did not know that the disease was spread that way. The Bubonic plague killed 25,000,000 within a span of five years.
2. People were called the death cart laborers who would come to pick up the dead bodies. These people were often well paid due to the high mortality rate due to them being around the plague most of the time.
3. Houses that contained victims of the disease sometimes had the door of the house painted with a red cross on it with the words “God have Mercy” written on the door.
4. Sometimes a person would watch the door to make sure the people in there with the disease would not come
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Queen Elizabeth I panicked when the plague finally came to London. She had moved to Windsor Castle, and if anyone from London came to her, she would hang them on the gallows in fear of them spreading the disease to her.
6. The Plague’s symptoms would often create big bumpy lymph nodes called buboes, which would soon lead to having massive fevers, delirium, vomiting, muscle pains, bleeding in the lungs, and disorientation.
7. Elizabethan Physicians, plague doctors, most of the time would be hired by the wealthy to come treat the symptoms. The costumes the physicians would wear would protect them from the fleas, such as the mask having oil in it, and the costume was made of leather.
8. The original way to handle the Bubonic Plague was to put certain medicine and herbs in places where the plague had infected, or they would sometimes cut where the infection was to drain the infected blood. Other times people would put vinegar on the infection believing that it would cure the infection.
9. The Bubonic Plague got its name from one of the symptoms that occur when you have it called Buboes.
10. The plague really affected people who worshiped Christianity and how they prayed not to get the plague because they would become