Buck Vs Bell Case Study

Words: 402
Pages: 2

Leonila Reyes Feburary 6, 2018
Bioethics Mrs. Arefieg
Buck vs Bell
What were the proponents of eugenics hoping to accomplish by forcing certain individuals to be sterilized?
By forcing certain individuals to be sterilized they hoped that they could improve our chances of survival. This was done by not letting those they claimed as unfit to have children by sterilizing them. This was said to prevent their horrible bloodline to continue.

How did experts determine who would be sterilized?
This procedure would be done to those who are idiotic, insane, imbecile, feeble-minded, or epileptic.

Why were Carrie and
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Vivian, who was Carrie’s child, was declared feeble-minded when she was 7 months because she couldn’t follow a coin showed in front of her though it is possible she could’ve been distracted by the camera in front of her.

How was the assessment of these woman tied to their social class, gender and level of education?
Since they were considered feebleminded, they were both committed into an asylum. The Superintendent of the Virginia Colony, Dr. Albert Priddy stated that Carrie and Emma "belong to the shiftless, ignorant, and worthless class of anti-social whites of the South."
How is the logic behind the American eugenics movement similar to the logic used by Adolf Hitler during World War II in his quest to exterminate Jews and others?
This logic is similar to the one of Hitler because they both wanted the best of the best to back on their genetics. They both tried to punish the ones who didn’t meet their standard and didn’t allow them to procreate. Of course, they did this in different ways. Hitler did this by putting the people on concentration camps and killing them off while the US only sterilized the