Bud Selig: Steroid Scandal

Words: 269
Pages: 2

Bud Selig is as big of a cheater in the whole steroid scandal as anybody is. Not only did he let it go on, but seemed to not care when it was brought up. As a commissioner he may have brought baseball back in the limelight, but also tarnished the overall look of baseball forever.
When someone says Sammy Sosa’s name or Mark McGwire’s name, they don’t think of their career stats. What they think of is that they were guilty of steroids and they are big cheaters. And that is a shame because of how great both of their careers were. That’s the price you pay when you gamble on your career. These players will have it rough for the rest of their lives and Bud
Selig will not. He owes these players apologies for letting the juicing happen. If you do