Bull Run 2 Essay On John Pope's Manassas Misery

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Pages: 2

The Battle of Bull Run 2

Imagine walking around Brawner Farm. Usually it's calm and peaceful, but today gunshots fill the air and dead bodies are strewn across the ground. This is what it felt like for the solders fighting during the battle Bull Run 2. Bull Run 2 was a gruesome scene that was caused by a fight between having slaves or not.

Bull Run 2 started out as a cat and mouse game. The Union pursued the Confederates in Virginia for many miles until getting the Confederates trapped. Surrounded the Confederates waited. But since the communication was horrid, one group from the Union surged forward to attack even though he didn't get orders to do so. To verify in "John Pope's Manassas Misery" it say's "Pope's erratic course reflected the fevered speculations of a man baffled and over
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Jackson Stonewall was the confederate general, who was a strong and smart man. In "I Have Never Known So Terrible A Fire" it says, "One of the worlds most remarkable movements had brought Jackson 2400- man wing." This tells about his army and he was strong enough to lead them. The other general was John Pope. John pope was an officer commanded by president Lincoln to fight the war. He loved to fight but like how it says in"John Pope's Manassas Misery", " Family came first. He was deeply devoted to his wife." Sadly during the war hid daughter died. This gave him a cause to fight.Overall both generals were good and led well.

However good the generals may be, the battle of Bull Run 2 was still deadly. The text "They Meet Again... At Bull Run" says, " estimated Union casualties from the battle were 13,830 killed or wounded; the Confederates lost 8350 men." This shows that it was a horrible battle and killed many people. Also in " They Meet Again... At Bull Run" it states :" In 5 minutes the 5th New York lost 123 men—the greatest loss of life in any single infantry regiment in any battle of the