Bullies In The United States

Words: 864
Pages: 4

Bullies have been around for some time now, there are different ways of being bullied. According to the National Centre Against Bullying, there is physical bullying, covert/hidden bullying, verbal bullying and cyber bullying(http://www.ncab.org.au/parents/typesofbullying/). We live in a world in which bullying is far from being lost, wether it’s being a school bully, work bully or an economic bully. An Economic Hitman is someone who cheats countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars by tricking them into taking out loans that will leave these countries in debt for such a long time. Bullies tend to hurt other people and don’t really take into consideration to how the victims may feel. Some people may think that bullies and Economic Hitmen have nothing in common but the sad reality is that they both target and exploit the weak. Bullies can harm people mentally, physically, and emotionally. In the film Bully, Tyler Long, a 17 year old from Murray County, GA., was a student …show more content…
Now it says that they changed their goal so that petrodollars found their way back to the U.S., this money should belong to the people of the country which was producing petroleum. Once again the economic hitman acting as a bully, taking what is not theirs by making deals with the person with the highest power in these countries so that the powerful person would benefit from giving petrodollars to corporations. Economic hitmen are clever, they work in the shadows without many people knowing of what they are really doing. An economic hitmen is a paid bully that subdues third world countries in order to receive benefit form said countries. As can be seen, bullies and economic hitmen are very similar one to another, they both target and exploit the weak, it’s just a matter of opening one’s eyes in order to see