Burial In Sophocles Antigone

Words: 437
Pages: 2

BREAKING NEWS! Polyneices is buried! Someone, in spite of his new death threat for anyone who would dare defy him, performed a simple burial ritual for the unburied Polynices. Quick warning, if you are the one who did this, watch out, Creon's mad! We at the Thebeians Times would suggest that you hide, run away, or kill yourself. Although the choice is yours, we've seen a dramatic surge in royal people choosing the third option. So if you want to be cool and follow the crowd, that's what we'd suggest. UPDATE Well, we found out who did it: Antigone, sister to the unburied traitor and neice to the stubborn muderer we have for a king. Yep, Creon ordered Antigone walled up in a cave to starve to death. His son, Haemon, who was engaged to Antigone (More on the past tense further down), tried to convince his dad that he was wrong. He said that all y'all didn't like what he was doing to Antigone and wanted him to stop. As an un-biased news source, we cannot say we agree with them, even though we do. He still …show more content…
We've just won the recent battle against Polynices! Bad news, our king died. Yep. The prophecy came true. The brothers Eteocles and Polynices killed each other, just like their father said. Isn't that all bad news, you say? That our king's heir died? Well we say no, 'cause one heir ain't dead yet. Creon, brother to Oedipus, has defeated the invaders and saved Thebes. He will be speaking to the elders very soon, informing them of his new plans for our country.

Following his talk with the elders, Creon has decided that in order to assert his leadership he will leave Polyneices, the person who attacked our country, unburied. We'll let that sink in. He's defying the moral laws of gods and men. This doesn't seem like a good idea. Everyone we've interviewed is horrified and shocked by this inhumane crime he's commiting. Only a day in office, and he's already risking the gods' favor. The people of Thebes pleads to you Creon, for heaven's sake stop