Burmese Pythons Affecting Florida's Everglades

Words: 557
Pages: 3

Did you know Burmese pythons can grow up to a size of twenty three feet long and weigh two hundred pounds? That’s insane! The Burmese python is a very powerful animal, having the ability to eat it’s prey in one bite! These incredible snakes change the ecosystem in Florida’s Everglades tremendously, also changing people’s lives. Burmese pythons are disrupting Florida’s Everglades. Burmese pythons are very strong animals. The text in source one says, “ Think of a telephone pole, and then imagine a snake as big around the middle as that pole.” These snakes are extremely large in size, making it easy to kill their prey. The author in source one states, “ the python coils it’s long and powerful body around the animal, squeezes until the animal dies, and swallows the animal whole.” Just because pythons are not venomous does not mean they are not capable of killing animals. It is stated in the same article, “ Many people have chosen these unusual reptiles as pets, most likely because of the snakes’ beautifully patterned skin…” Sadly, pythons are too much to take care of for most people and they are released back in the wild. As you can see, Burmese pythons are very powerful and dangerous. …show more content…
According to source one, Burmese pythons are carnivores and survive primarily on small birds and mammals.” Pythons have a healthy appetite and eat a variety of animals. Article two says, “ Tens of thousands of Burmese pythons are estimated to be living in the Everglades, where they thrive in the warm, humid climate.” These snakes are overpopulating in Florida. I also found in the same source that, “ With no natural predators, these eating machines appear to be wiping out huge numbers of opossums, raccoons, and bobcats, as well as many bird species.” These hungry snakes are eating too many animals at a fast rate. Soon are Everglades might not even be