BUS610 Wk6 DQs Essay

Submitted By tilty
Words: 550
Pages: 3

BUS610 Wk6 DQs

1- The Tipping Point

Describe the “tipping point” where power turns into domination. Explain how these two dynamic forces are unavoidable.

The glossary of our class text book defines power as “The ability to influence behaviors of others using formal and informal means” (Baack, 2012). Power is about the capacity (by rank or position) to convince those with lower ranking positions to do as the person in power wishes for them to do. Using power to achieve domination comes into play when conformity (going along with what is asked for) is forced upon those of a lower rank and cooperation is gained despite the fact that it must be done so unwillingly. “Avoiding politics can be accomplished through conformity, cooperation, staying away from political situations and persons clearly engaged in politics, and deferring attention to others” (Baack, Ch. 11.4, 2012). The tipping point occurs when personal power is used to lead to domination and then that power becomes “power that is aggressively used to injure, dominate, or intimidate” (Baack, Ch. 11.2, 2012). Tactics to achieve domination through power may occur when the person in power realizes that their influence alone is not obtaining the desired result.

Power will always have the ability to negatively change the behavior of some of those who achieve it. The behavior and activities of those in power should be supervised by others in the organization’s management and kept out in the open (and ethical) so that power does not get used negatively. When behavior changes negatively due to the self interest of the person in power, domination through abuse of power will become evident.

Baack, D. (2012). Organizational behavior. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

2- Coaching and Mentoring

Differentiate between coaching and mentoring. Provide an example to support how either of the two was used successfully in your current or past work life.

In career development, “Mentoring programs involve formal and informal support provided by an experienced and higher-ranking employee to a trainee or new manager” (Baack, 2012, Ch. 12.1). Mentoring covers help and support in general areas and usually involves establishment of an extended relationship between the mentor and the trainee. While “Coaching programs place an