business environment P1 Essay

Submitted By nabinrai17
Words: 1097
Pages: 5

Unit Title: Business Environment

Introduction…………………………………………………………………Page 3
ASDA…………………………………………………………………………Page 4
British Red Cross………………………………………………………….Page 5
Conclusion/Reference…………………………………………………….Page 6

There are many people who think that organisation is block of buildings, yes you can say that but I think it’s only around 2-3% right. Because organisation is a group of working together towards a specific goal, aim or objectives and block of building is where those people work at for example West Thames College is also an organisation but the buildings are where the staffs of the college works at and it is not necessary that you have to work in block of building for example even you are working at home through internet which can also be organisation. Business organizations are a social unit of people. Which are structured to get, need or pursue goals that are collective.
The two organisations which I have chosen for my report are ASDA and British Red Cross. I will describe the activities of the two organisations showing how and why the business was set up, the purpose and how has it developed with time.

ASDA is one of the UK largest retailers as it has the second largest chain by market share after Tesco. ASDA has a long history as the organisation originally was setup in the 1920s by a group of Yorkshire farmer. ASDA’s headquarter is located in Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK.
Business activity:
ASDA is a national retailer as it has more than 550 stores around UK spread to different counties and town throughout UK. But however ASDA is owned by American’s giant retailer and part of Wal-Mart.
Business sector:
ASDA operates in secondary and tertiary sector, but however ASDA mostly is in tertiary sector, because ASDA usually purchases, for example food, electronic device and many other products from other business within secondary sector and ASDA resells it to their customers. ASDA can also be classified as secondary as it has its own brand of product which is known as Chosen by You. ASDA can be classed as secondary because they manufacture their own product such as organic products, meat, toys and etc.
ASDA can be classed as secondary and tertiary sector but however as I have said it before ASDA mostly operates in tertiary sector as it’s a large organisation which means they are more likely to buy more products from other business as they have more than 550 stores around UK.
Business purpose:
As many other retail store ASDA’s main purpose would be to make profit because profit is the money a business makes after accounting for all the expenses. ASDA is trying to expand as they are more stores which mean they will have more customers and more customers will lead them to more profit. To every business to make profit is there ultimate goal because they can do a lots of thing with the money they earn they can upgrade, invest in new technology, invest in bank, can take on new staff, expansion, pay off outstanding liabilities, pay your share holder and remodel your building/stores. But as time flies the purpose of ASDA are concerned with attracting the budget market for example selling at the lowest possible price with high quality of goods. As they have a slogan saying Saving You Money Every day. The organisation are also trying to promote their brand as they manufacturing it for example organic products, meats, electronic devices, etc.
Ownership of the business:
ASDA is a public limited company in short form PLC. ASDA is owned by an American retailing company Wal-Mart, which is one of the biggest retailing companies around the world. ASDA is also owned by its shareholder which cause constantly change to the ownership of ASDA, as the shares are constantly brought and sold.

British Red Cross
Red Cross (UK) is a charity is who helps people