Business Research Application Paper

Submitted By Dleonard
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Pages: 5

Business Research Application Paper
D. Lenape
September 24, 2010

Business Research Application Research is an essential part of the decision-making process. Cooper defines research as, “the process of planning, acquiring, analyzing, and disseminating relevant data, information, and insights to decision makers in ways that mobilize the organization to take appropriate actions that, in turn, maximize performance” (2011, p. 4). In a school setting, the school board, administration, teachers, and students use research in many aspects, some to maximize the performance of the students and the teachers. Research plays an important role for the administrative staff when evaluating educational programs to implement in the school. The staff uses methodical ways to find answers to questions or explore options in proving scientific theories. Various research methods also allow educators to evaluate students in an objective way. The administration of the school and teachers often conduct case study research using interviews and direct observation in the classroom to determine the best course of study for students in need. Teachers often use research to supplement their teaching methods and lesson plans. When teachers research material on the Internet, they are using a more cost-effective way to introduce students to the ease of Internet use and accessibility (Ahern, 2012). Although there are limitations on finding reliable information on the Internet, there are also benefits. Teachers must ensure students understand the importance of a viable resource for research and understand confidentiality issues pertaining to Internet use. During the reflective process, teachers may refer to research methods to determine, when implementing a new lesson, whether the lesson met his or her objectives for the class. The teacher may reflect on whether the students learned and achieved the intended results. The teacher may be challenged to research the most effective way to evaluate the students. Additionally, educators research resources for furthering their education to become better in their field. While looking for advancement, teachers may refer to comparative research of other school district salaries and qualifications. Students learn the importance of research and how to research topics in the classroom. They may research a particular topic using textbooks, the Internet, or the library to formulate a paper defining what they have learned. They may also use research to explore options for college, a particular degree, grants and loans, and work study programs that may help to pay for their education. For example, the National Center for Education Statistics is a reliable resource for both teachers and students to provide concise information that can be used in a variety ways. School boards review district results comparing them to national placement levels. They may use the newly attained information to adjust the districts’ curriculum and daily routines. The board may also use research to set short and long-term goals for the school and the students. In reviewing the research, boards can evaluate how they can have teachers present more material in the same amount of time and what factors may affect the teachers’ ability to do so. Consequently, the boards review test results and strategize how the district can improve their ranking, increase federal funding, and ensure an improved academic achievement for each student. In researching standardized test results and socioeconomic backgrounds, state education boards make decisions that affect the overall populous in a school district. Ahern suggests that Internet research is, “quick, cost effective, and efficient” (Ahern, 2005, p. 5). Therefore, schools may find Internet research practices more effective. Although boards may research statistics comparing two schools using ex post factor studies that reveal population, gender, race, and test results, the