Capricorn Anderson's Schooled: Summary

Words: 503
Pages: 3

Capricorn Anderson, from the novel Schooled by Gordan Korman, grew up at Garland Farms as a hippie. His grandmother and homeschool teacher, Rain, falls out of a plum tree and breaks her hip. Cap is now sent to a public school and his school life has just begun to change because he was in garland unknowing of the real world, to now in the real world tackling changes.
On the first day at his new school, Cap experienced bullying. He was in was the lunch room when his new friend Hugh heard an incoming spitball and it landed in Cap’s hippie hair. Hugh said, “I watched the tiny projectile aimed at Cap’s hair”. This was not the only time he was bullied. The popular kids also did other various things to torture him. Cap was unaware of the plot to bring him down, and had to deal with these events with no knowledge of how to handle the situation. In addition Cap was never around other kids growing up, and never experienced a social life and how important friends can be in middle school.
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Things started to change when Cap saved Mr.Rodrigo’s life. The bus driver, Mr. Rodrigo was having a heart attack and calmly Cap took over the wheel and drove the bus to safety. This event was a turning point for Cap, and he was now recognized as a hero in the school. Even Naomi who was one of Cap’s bullies stuck up for him and said,”Cap didn’t do anything wrong! He was just trying to save Mr, Rodrigo!” After this event, people wanted to be around him. He even sold tie dye t shirts and almost everyone bought one! Caps life had just started changing from not so popular to