Research Papers On Nanda

Submitted By hailenatnael
Words: 591
Pages: 3

|Care Plan Grading Rubric | | | |
|Content Criteria: |5 points |3 points |1 point |
|The nursing diagnoses are written according to NANDA|All criteria are met.|There are at least 3 |There are less than 3 appropriate |
|and accurately reflect the assessment findings. |NANDA is used and the|appropriate diagnoses |diagnoses or more than one is not |
|There are at least 3 appropriate diagnoses given |diagnoses |but one is not written |written according to NANDA. |
| |appropriately reflect|according to NANDA or |More than one diagnosis does not |
| |the assessment data |one diagnosis does not |reflect |
| | |reflect the assessment |the assessment data |
| | |data | |
|Listed with each nursing diagnosis is the clinical |All subjective and |One nursing diagnosis is|More than one nursing diagnosis is |
|evidence (objective and subjective) supporting the |objective findings |lacking some |lacking some objective/subjective |
|diagnosis. (the signs and symptoms). This evidence |for each diagnosis |objective/subjective |evidence |
|is accurate and appropriate according to the |are given and |evidence or evidence is |or evidence is not appropriate to the|
|assessment findings/data collected. |accurately reflect |not appropriate to the |assessment data |
| |the assessment |assessment data | |
| |findings | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
|One long-term goal and two appropriate outcomes are |Each goal and outcome|One outcome or the |More than one outcome or goal does |
|listed for each nursing diagnosis. They must be |meets the criteria |long-term goal does not |not |
|specific, realistic, patient –centered, attainable,|given and is |meet the criteria given |meet the criteria given or there is |
|and time-limited. |appropriate for the |or there is one missing |more |
| |client |outcome or goal |than one missing outcome/goal |
| | | | |
| | | | |
|Nursing interventions (the care you plan to provide |Nursing interventions|At least one |Less than 4 interventions are given |
|for the patient) are listed for each nursing |are appropriate for |intervention is not |for at least one diagnosis or |
|diagnosis (es). List all treatments, medications