Carta Magna Argument Analysis

Words: 397
Pages: 2

Although Mexico has faced a string of troubles in recent years, whether it be corruption, kidnappings, or drug-cartel problems. There is one story coming out of Mexico that finally brings positivity to the country. That is, that the nation's capital of Mexico CIty has just passed its first ever constitution. It is formally titled Carta Magna. The most exciting part of this story is that the drafters of the constitution welcomed citizens to contribute to the formation of this document. In a particular instance, one citizen sent a proposition to allow for a specific amount of green space per citizen. His proposition (along with other social issue driven propositions) made it to the approved draft of the Carta Magna. This historic moment in the country's history proves that Mexico is making progress toward becoming a more deliberative democracy. …show more content…
Which is almost exactly what is occurring with the passing of this constitution. The government allowed its citizens to actively participate in the making of this document and allowed the voices of their people to be heard. I believe that this was a beautiful thing to occur and shows that democracy in Mexico is continuing in its third wave. As opposed to it’s neighbor from up north, which seems to be making a full sprint away from a democratic