Case report Essay

Submitted By salghanm
Words: 1551
Pages: 7

The program I am going to talk about in this case report is the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) in the United States. A brief history about the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, through 1989, nine Prescription Drug Monitoring Program has been established. Two were located in state Attorneys General offices (California 1939 and Pennsylvania, 1972); two departments of Public Safety (Hawaii, 1943 and Texas, 1981) one in Department of Substance Abuse Services (Illinois, 1961); one in a Board of Pharmacy; and one in a Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Health Professions (Michigan, 1988). How PDMPs are organized and operated varies among states. Each state determines which agency houses the PDMP; which controlled substances must be reported; which types of dispensers are required to submit data (e.g., pharmacies); how often data are collected; who may access information in the PDMP database (e.g., prescribers, dispensers, or law enforcement); the circumstances under which the information may (or must) be accessed; and what enforcement mechanisms are in place for noncompliance.
A lot of people die from overdose of drugs in the United States and from drug abuse, not only that but there a lot of non-medical drug use in the United States as well. According to the Congressional Research Service Seven million individuals aged 12 or older (2.7% of this population) were current nonmedical users of Prescription or psychotherapeutic drugs in 2010 over 1 million emergency department visits involved nonmedical use of pharmaceuticals in 2010. Three out of four prescription drug overdoses are caused by prescription painkillers or opioids. Prescription drug overdoses caused 20,044 deaths in the United States in 2008; of these, 74% (14,800) involved opioid pain relievers. Of those individuals who used prescription painkillers non-medically in 2010, nearly three-quarters received the drugs from a friend or relative either for free, through a purchase, or via stealing the drugs. The stats for the deaths of over dosing drugs and drug abuse were much worse in the past that’s when the Perception Drug Monitoring program was born in the United States by the government. When the program was born it started track drugs that were distributed and approve of drugs before they hit the market, and punish those who give over doses of drugs or give it to them in a way that is not legal. The Impact that the Perception Drug Monitoring Program is that the organization can track prescription drugs that pharmacies give away to patients by bar codes on the prescription drugs so they can keep track how pharmacies distribute prescription drugs. Also one of the impacts that the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program that it helped a lot with how long it took to get an investigation done for a case, research also suggests that the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program had an impact on both law enforcement and health care. A 2002 GAO found that “the time and effort required by law enforcement and regulatory investigators to explore leads and the merits of possible drug diversion cases” declined after the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program has been put into effect. According to the Congressional Research service, Research also showed that the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, especially the ones that issue reports proactively, change prescriber behavior in a way that per capita supply prescription of pain relievers and stimulants, which in turn reduces the likelihood of abuse. Research also showed that drug abuse increase is slower in states with Prescription Drug Monitoring Program than the states that do not have the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program. The stake holders of the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program are the federal government, PhRMA, the Generic Pharmaceutical Association, American Medical Association, and other stake holders and associations including healthcare providers, law enforcement, faith-based and other community