Catcher In The Rye Loss Of Innocence Essay

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A person's loss of innocence ultimately directs their transition into adulthood. As a person matures, their sense of innocence is lost and accepting society's flaws is the only way to cope with this problem. Growing up is important as it allows us to see a different and more realistic perspective on the world, shedding idealistic perspectives. In The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, one character tries to prevent himself and others from growing up, but ultimately realizes change is inevitable. Holden fears of leaving his past life of innocence and transitioning into adulthood. Holden’s efforts in preventing Phoebe from growing up ultimately show that all kids are prone to adulthood. Through Holden’s experiences, he is able to accept reality …show more content…
Holden went to an expensive boarding school, providing him with the opportunity to `become well educated and build a future for himself, however, he does not take responsibility seriously and drowns himself in his problems. He had bad grades and as a result was kicked out from his current and many other schools. Instead of telling his parents, he runs away from school and did not, “even know what [he] was running for... [he] just felt like it”(Salinger 5). Holden feels adult are “phonies” and in his mind feels that if he falls under the reigns of adulthood, he will be a “phony” himself. As an adult, he would gain new responsibilities, such as having connections. Holden is unable to maintain any relationships in or out of school. By running away from school, it symbolizes he is actually running away from his problems. Through his fear of adulthood, Holden feels that constantly running away from his problems is the only solution, similar to a child's solution. By doing so Holden proves his immature mentality, instead of facing his problems like an adult. Because Holden was sheltered from the corruptions of society, “he [wanted] to retreat backwards into the world he is leaving”(Vanderbilt 298). Pencey shelters Holden from the outside world, which he is reluctant to face. As a result, he struggles to cope with the idea of letting his childhood go and accepting adulthood, which he