Catholic Education In Australia Essay

Words: 507
Pages: 3

Catholic Education in Australia has seen a transformation, as the number of Christian Brothers and Sisters subside, the responsibility to provide spiritual guidance, inspiration and pastoral care to the new generation has shifted to lay ecclesial ministers. A 2005 document, Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord, defines lay ecclesial ministers as those who serve in parishes and schools of every race and culture, and whom work within the framework of the Church’s belief, teaching and pastoral practice; they are seen as faith leaders whose leadership is guided by their personal faith (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2005). Embracing a new leadership paradigm of lay ecclesial ministers and principals, the on-going formation is ‘identified as critical for the continuance of the Catholic school’s distinctive mission in the future’ (Belmonte, Cranston, & Limerick, 2005, p. 1). …show more content…
More importantly, the role of principals as faith leaders in schools require a greater degree of theoretical knowledge and spiritual guidance, to ensure that the Catholic heritage and ethos are understood, embraced and passed on to successive generations (Pascoe, 2003). A sentiment which Deal & Peterson (2003) support; ‘principals influence their schools in more ways than any other individual or external organisation,’ furthermore, lay principals play a critical role in building a Catholic character and culture in their schools (Belmonte, Cranston, & Limerick,