Catholic Views On Abortion

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Pages: 5

Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of a fetus during a human pregnancy. Recently, abortion has fallen under scrutiny through the media and press as they illustrate it as the deliberate murdering of fetuses. This has split people into two distinct views: pro-choice or pro-life. Pro-choice is the advocated legalization and prospering of abortion, while pro-life is the driven opposition of abortion. These ideologies are often debated upon or scrutinized by various religions, organizations, and communities; thus causing abortion to become a heated topic of debate. Nevertheless, abortion is necessary for the prospering of the human species, which is heavily accredited to the reduction of the population. Abortion is a necessary means …show more content…
This is often exasperated by the presence of the Catholic Church in abortion debates. To not become discourteous to my own faith, I am a Roman Catholic, but do not share the views of church pertained for abortion. The Catholic Church heavily advocates for the removal of abortion as the disregards the fifth law, set by the Ten Commandments, which is “thou shalt not kill”. The murdering of life through the means of abortion trickles into this category as they have made a substantial uproar about the situation. An active pro-life supporter, Luis Thompson, has stated her opinions about the use of the fifth commandment: The fifth commandment forbids direct and intentional killing as gravely sinful. The murderer and those who cooperate voluntarily in murder commit a sin that cries out to heaven for vengeance, (Thompson). This claim tosses anyone who advocates for the allowance of pro-life into tarnishing the commandments set forth by God. These claims are often added with the ideology of adoption. There are numerous adoption clinics throughout the United States and in various parts of the world, which could accept children and put them forth of adoption. People who support the conservation of live want women to bear the child and the convert it into adoption. This allows the child to live without derailing it through the means of death during the fetal …show more content…
Yet, the fail to understand that not all seven billion people upon the earth believe in Christianity. The church is subjecting all women, men, and citizens under the same category of laws abide by the church. This simply is not getting a substantial amount of attention due to the sheer population of individuals in the United States mainly being Catholic. These circumstances are similar to a degree of Islamic citizens wanting Americans to abide by Sharia Law, which is a mandated system of laws under the Islamic culture. Americans could hastily detest anything that counters the culture of freedom, yet they fail to see the Catholic Church’s encroaching of laws upon the topic of abortion. Additionally, the Catholic Church fails to understand the actual prospects of the world. Millions of countries have not bypassed to the industrial stage (on the Demographic Transition Model) and are currently stagnated as periphery countries. These periphery countries such as Kenya have a notoriously heightened birth rate and morality rate, which is substantially imbalanced. As previously stated, Kenya has banned the use of abortion since it detests the morals of the society. This has spun the country into ultimate ruin as they have been unable to venture into the realm of core countries. Citizens in Kenya suffer due to the lack of space and resources to sustain the