Cause And Effects Of Dropping The Atomic Bomb

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Pages: 3

Fear can drive you to do the impossible when achieving your goal. The atomic bomb was the most powerful weapon of its time. The atomic bomb saved and killed thousands of both military officials and civilian people. The causes of building the bomb, the reasons why it was used, and the effects of dropping the bomb. Fear can either serve people the sense of defeat or a strength to conquer said challenged.
When the secret to building the ultimate weapon was discovered, the race began to see who could build one first. German physicists unearthed the secret to nuclear fission, splitting a uranium atom, word quickly spread in the science world. A weapon could be created using the newly uncovered truth behind nuclear fission, it could be used to create a very destructive weapon. Eugene Wigner and Leo Szilard, Hungarian physicists, went to Albert Einstein for help to get a letter to President Franklin Roosevelt, explaining the current debacle. They were afraid that if the Germans got their hands on such a powerful weapon, the whole world would be in danger. Alexander Sachs delivered the letter to the president, and he ordered that the bomb be created. The bomb was made using uranium nitrate in lukewarm neutrons, which in turn, transmitted microscopic
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The intended targets of the bombing were Hiroshima, Kokura, Nagasaki, and Niigata. The city of Hiroshima was the first site to bomb because it was a military city. It had many factories that made weapons and housed around forty-three thousand soldiers. The city was also used to launch most of their attacks. After Hiroshima had fallen, the United States called for Japan to surrender, but they refused and sunk the Indianapolis. The second site was originally Kokura, but clouds were obstructing the pilot’s view so, next on the list, Nagasaki was bombed instead. This nuclear weapon was made stronger than the last to try and guarantee the surrender of