Cause Of Bullying In America

Words: 332
Pages: 2

What is Bullying?
Bullying is using superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone). Bullying typically is used to force others to do what one wants.
Bullying comes in many shapes, forms, and variations, but there is no type of positive bullying. No one benefits from bullying and it needs to stop. These are just a few things bullying can cause.
6% of high school students report being bullied last year 14.8% reported being bullied online64% of bullied children don’t even report it.
49% of children in grades 4-12 reported being bullied at least once last month.30.8% of students report that they have bullied in that month.
Bullying is the #3 cause of teen death in America. About 4,400 teen casualties occur per year because of bullying. Also, bullied teenagers are 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-bullied victims
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There are a number of reasons children are bullied. People are bullied for a number of reasons. Some main reasons are race, social status, and sexual orientation. Types of Bullying
Bullying comes in different forms but there are a few major ones that are generally known and reported. There is verbal & physical bullying. There is also cyberbullying.
Verbal bullying is the use of words to put down and insult others. This could be mistaken for a joke by the bully, but could actually hurt someone’s feeling.
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