Causes of American Revolution Essay

Submitted By Olivia_Higgins
Words: 879
Pages: 4

Tensions between the American colonies and Great Britain grew deeply through five major events that resulted in the Revolution. Conflicts began with the French and Indian War, and then economic conflicts spread through the Stamp Act and Tea Acts. Military action resulted at Lexington and Concord. Finally, literary movement had a large impact through Thomas Paine’s Common Sense. All of the events accumulated in the colonies and lead to the Declaration of Independence, which officially stated that the thirteen colonies were independent states and ready to fight for their independence. Perhaps the most important cause, the French and Indian War. Although the colonies fought willingly for the British crown all throughout the war, the way the colonies were treated afterwards did not account for their loyalty. The British found themselves in debt after they emerged themselves in this costly war; they had many expenses to account for. The government of Britain turned to the colonies for economic support and forever changed their economic relationship. Through taxation on miscellaneous goods that were being imported into America, British made profit. However, colonists realized what was beginning and this led to rebellious actions and violent protests. The war sparked the unsteady relationship and was the principal cause of all other confrontations.
The Stamp Act also had an impact on the revolution. When it was placed in the colonies, in 1765, it required an official stamp on all legal documents and its purpose was to raise revenue to support military forces in the colonies. The act angered many people who often used paper such as lawyers and businessmen. Consequently, the Sons of Liberty were formed to protest and the Stamp Act Congress took place. In this congress the delegates wrote a statement of their rights and grievances to convince Parliament to appeal to Stamp Act. After the act was appealed it gave the colonies a sense of power and liberal ideas. With newfound self-pride and motivation, the colonists had more confidence while moving forward with their protests.
In addition, the Tea Act had a significant impact on the revolution. To stop smuggling of tea, this act gave the British East India company exclusive rights for importation of tea into the colonies, while the British placed taxes on the tea. However this tea was actually cheaper than smuggled tea knowing that the buyers would pay the least that they could. Even though the colonists were getting cheaper tea, they still protested because they thought they were being tricked. In reaction, members of the Sons of Liberty dressed as Native Americans and threw 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor during the Boston Tea Party. This particular protest caught the eye of British government and established their motives to the King. The British government was not happy about the Boston Tea Party and enforced the Intolerable Acts as a punishment to Boston. Massachusetts’ charter was revoked, and the Boston Harbor closed until repaired which disconnected all forms of supplies, goods and food from entering the colony. Protesting the Tea Act opened British’s eyes as to what the colonies were capable of and the crown put them in their place, but not for long. Other colonies assisted Massachusetts during this time and colonial unity started to show. This quality of unity would be a crucial aspect towards the fight for independence.
Bloodshed always triggers reality. At Lexington and Concord, in April 1775, the first blood of the war was shed, and changed some of the minds of the colonists about