Causes Of The Whiskey Rebellion

Words: 1841
Pages: 8

The beginning of the mid-1700’s was revolutionary for the colonist of Britain in North America since the colonists exchanges of words were of republicanism, natural rights, and liberties. These men and women were divided many ways; continue to be a colony versus becoming a nation and wealth gentry versus the poor yeomen farms were what sparked the violent insurrections of the soon to be nation. The Regulator Movement, Shay’s Rebellion, and the Whiskey Rebellion shared similar causes, like economic depression, and had significant effects on today’s government, like the right for the federal government to levy taxes.
The Regulator Movement, or the War of Regulation, was caused by increased population, economic depression, and political corruption
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What could not be paid in the currency, sheriffs would take what was deemed fit and sell it, using the money as the poll tax that needed to be paid off. The farmers thought of this as unfair because the gentry did not have to do this. Because the yeomen farmers were more susceptible to the economic depression, politics became corrupt it the House of Burgesses, North Carolina’s legislative house, as the gentry seized the opportunity to take advantage of the yeomen due to the fact that these men were not as educated and were often isolated. The men of the House were elected by male taxpayers who owned property; very few yeomen were able to vote because of the unfair poll taxes that took away property if it could not be paid. This allowed for politics to become corrupt due to the fact that the gentry could elect those who would be most beneficial to the higher class. The register, sheriff, and court clerk were selected by high officials. Often, these positions did not receive wages and would charge higher taxes in order to earn money. This did not sit well with the yeomen because property was being taken away from the original poll tax, taking the right to vote away from the …show more content…
Shay’s Rebellion of Massachusetts was caused from post war recession, lack of payment of army stipends, failure to receive payment from bonds, and farmers going into debt, which led to property being taken away from the yeomen farmers; this rebellion was significant in the terms of the realization of a stronger national government which led to the call for the Annapolis Convention. The elitist has little idea on what to do with the new found freedom. Currency was not yet established. Naturally a recession occurred which caused trade to come to a standstill. Nothing was coming in nor out. Furthermore, Shay’s Rebellion happened due to lack of payment from army stipends and failure to receive payments from bonds. During the Revolutionary War, men went away to defend the colony in hope of a better future through a new country. This left women to take care of the farms. Because the women took care of the farms, women gained a larger influence on politics. This was called Republican Motherhood; the most famous of these women is Abigail Adams. Numerous times, men were promised the offer of money for the service that was provided. These men did not receive this money. Ensuing the lack of army stipends, the men bought bonds with hopes that the bonds would become valuable one day. When it became apparent that the bonds would not gain worth,